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Do you have a bass that you like but it doesn't have strength? Your drums don't sound powerful? Don't worry, Senpai Saturation is what you need. A simple tool to use but with great power. With just 3 knobs you can bring your tracks to life. "Input" controls the amount of input to be saturated and colored. If you want to go further, use "Curve" to flatten the signal and distort even more. "Output"... is output, just that.


You have the option to install the skin you want in black or white (It is only the skin, they both have the same function).

System Requirements:


  • Windows 10 or 11
  • 4 gb Ram
  • Processor with minimum 4 cores



  • Only works with High Sierra and Mojave (Catalina, Big Sur and Monterey not support at the moment)


Senpai Saturation

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